Issa Shnack!!

“You look nice Delyse.” “Really? No, but my tummy is showing, I need to wear a jacket to cover it up!” Even in summer you’d always see me wearing a jacket Ask me how many times I said this statement to my friends and family. Being the bigger, darker friend and sister is how I… Continue reading Issa Shnack!!

My Crazy First Tailor-Made Outfit Experience!

For those who have known me or followed me on Social Media, you'll know I am known for thrifting and styling the same clothes differently. But of late, I've kinda stepped into a new world. One of discovering new online stores and most recently getting my first ever tailor-made outfit. In early November last year… Continue reading My Crazy First Tailor-Made Outfit Experience!

Dear Body Sessions: Embracing Acne Breakouts

One thing about life, it will happen!! 2023 was a very interesting year for me. There were many wins and losses. But even through the ups and downs, one thing that stayed on my mind constantly was Thick'N'Stylish. With everything that was going on, I realised how I needed to up my body positivity game… Continue reading Dear Body Sessions: Embracing Acne Breakouts

Dressed by African Apparel

Happy 2023 faves!! I hope the year started off on a positive note and we are still on our journeys of self and body love. I've been so excited about this year because there are changes I want to implement for myself and Thick'N'Stylish. I'll share those soon. But, in this blog, I wanted to… Continue reading Dressed by African Apparel

Dear Body Sessions: Weight Gain vs Self-esteem

*I wrote this a few weeks ago when my self-esteem was at its lowest in years. It's been a while since I blogged about Body Positivity and to be honest it's because I have not been confident or feeling like Thick'N'Stylish. In this blog post I am going to be fully honest about my weight… Continue reading Dear Body Sessions: Weight Gain vs Self-esteem

Thick’N’Stylish Thrift Haul Episode 2

I got so much love from you guys about my last Thrift Haul blog post and had to come back (months later 🙈) and show you how my second one went! This time however, I spent about $46 on my purchases as I wanted to buy things for work and for going out. Like before,… Continue reading Thick’N’Stylish Thrift Haul Episode 2

Thrift Haul Episode 1

One thing I can never stop doing is thrifting. If you have been following me from the beginning of my blogging journey, you'll know how I always find gems when I shop. It is for this reason that I've made the decision to share what I've purchased as blog posts and this one will be… Continue reading Thrift Haul Episode 1

2021: A Thick’N’Stylish Recap Part 2

Welcome back to my blog faves. I hope you felt inspired to continue pushing for your dreams after reading my last post where I started sharing my 2021 achievements. In the final installment of my recap, I'll be sharing my collaborations, awards, December looks and what the future holds for the Thick'N'Stylish brand. Awards and… Continue reading 2021: A Thick’N’Stylish Recap Part 2

2021: A Thick’N’Stylish Recap Part 1

Hi there beautiful body positive, plus size, mid-size, thick, chubby, big, fluffy and curvy ones😊😊 Thick'N'Stylish is officially back and what better way to kick off my blogging year than with a summary of the glorious year that was 2021. Not going to lie, last year was so life-changing for the blog and I am… Continue reading 2021: A Thick’N’Stylish Recap Part 1

The Affirmation Brunch

"Women don't support each other. All they do is gossip and will never help the next woman succeed if they are in the position to." Sound familiar? I hate this notion as the world has for far too long tried to divide women because it knows our power. This power was confirmed when Ashler aka… Continue reading The Affirmation Brunch

Feature Tuesdays: Lady Kuda

What is it like being a woman in media? What is it like to be a fuller figured woman in the public eye? This month's Feature Tuesdays guest is Kuda Dzenga aka Lady Kuda who is a radio personality and online content creator. Today, she will be giving us the answers to these questions💃🏿I was… Continue reading Feature Tuesdays: Lady Kuda